Saturday, February 21, 2015

Livegfree Lasagna

I haven't had lasagna in a very, very long time and was SUPER EXCITED to try this out.
I followed the directions on the side of the box on how to cook it.
Due to the fact that it is a microwave meal, I was kind of setting myself up for possible disappointment.

I decided that cooking it in the oven would probably be the best option for me.
It told me that I needed to place it on a pan but I really didn't want to dirty a pan, so I thought It would
be fine to just place it on the shelf in the oven.

I timed it correctly and by the time it was done, I noticed it was really not cooking well.
I then broke down and put a pan underneath it like they suggested (Yeah, that's me for you, trying to conserve dishes. Hey, less dishes to wash I say!!:) )

But after leaving it in for a little longer it was finally done. Now this lasagna was like 1 piece or 1 serving size, so of course I had to include a little something else on the side to complete my meal.

The sauce tasted like can sauce, it was watery & tasted like they drenched it with brown sugar to flavor it.
The brown sugar taste was pleasing but the can sauce taste was just nasty.

The noodles were very gooey and not as rubbery as gluten lasagna noodles.
The cheese they included on the top was very limited but the cheese inside was amazing.
It had a consistency of cottage cheese but a taste like mozzarella. So yummy.

Overall for a lasagna microwave meal, it's okay. I don't know if it will make it to my favorite list but
it will do in a pinch.

I give this product a 2 out of 5 star rating. 


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